Final exams/end of school.

Final exams are on Monday and Tuesday, June 17-18.  Please check your class’s page for the exact date.  The 6th grade exam will focus on Spanish ONLY, as students completed their French and Latin “finals” at the conclusion of those sections of the course.

Seventh and eighth graders who were assigned books at the beginning of the year should return them to me after completing their finals.  Students who do not return their books will be charged $75 for Spanish books and $45 for French books.

From June 19-28, students will still participate in language- related activities in class, but there will be NO new material to learn or written assignments.

Have a great summer!


Hi all:

I hope everyone is staying warm and healthy at this bitterly cold time of year.  I am attempting to keep my classroom likewise, and in so doing I must ask for your help again…I am down to my last box of tissues!  My students and I are very grateful for the tissue donations we have received, and I am sorry to have to ask for more.  We’ve had great need for them this year!  Thank you for any tissues you can provide!  (Hand sanitizer, household cleaner, and disinfectant are still in good supply!)

Conference week: November 26-30

Dear Parents and Guardians:

I am looking forward to meeting many of you soon.  If you would like to discuss your child’s progress with me during conference week, please understand that YOU MUST SIGN UP SEPARATELY to meet me or any other “out of cluster” teacher.  I will only be meeting with parents/guardians who schedule conferences in advance, and those who have not done so will have to “stand by” for an open slot, if one is available.

Please keep in mind as well that all conferences are limited to 5 minutes so that we may accommodate all those who would like to speak with their children’s teachers.


Dear Students and Parents,

Welcome to the Ottoson Middle School and World Language class.  In this, the 2012-13 school year, sixth grade students will have the opportunity to explore Latin, French, and Spanish, while seventh and eighth graders have committed to the study of one of the three languages, five school days a week.

Thank you for visiting my web site.  I hope you will revisit here often, as this site contains class general class policies and procedures, and will be updated with all assignments daily.

I look forward to a great school year, and I hope it will be the same for all of you!

–Ms. Zachary